Marketing Influence Copy

The 7 Pillars of Influence Conversion Triggers

The Science Of Crafting A Converting And Profitable Marketing Copy Using Influence Conversion Triggers And Convert Even The Most Skeptical Or Resistant Prospects To Get Consistent Clients, Without Hard Selling Or Sounding Desperate

The proven method that makes prospects drop what they’re doing and convince themselves that they need the solution, instead of feeling like having to shove the solution down their throat…

Marketing Influence Copy is founded by Jonathan Cheong, who has been crafting high converting marketing copy for more than 15 years and has made millions of dollars for clients.

Instead of the traditional and typical sales copywriting formulas and structures that are inconsistent, he found a proven and consistent way to convert clients using influence, infused with psychological triggers.

Influence Conversion Triggers is a high-level method and skill of crafting high converting copy for coaches, consultants, and information marketers in the expertise business.

What My Clients Say About My Expertise

"A lot of experience. We can see clearly what works and what does not work."

- Derek

"There's integrity. I trust and respect them."

- Deborah

"Jonathan is very experienced and has a lot of knowledge to impart."

- Benjamin

"We like working with Jonathan, who has the experience."

- Andrew

"Jonathan is a very patient and sincere person."

- Dawn

"Very professional and experienced. They increased our conversion rates."

- Magdelin

Discover the methods to bypass prospects' psychological defenses, get them to lower their guards, believe in the solution, and make the buy.