As competition increases, prospects are getting more skeptical about marketing copy, which can kill sales conversions unless this method is implemented...

How I Made Millions for My Coaching and Consulting Clients Using Influence Conversion Triggers To Craft High-Converting Marketing Copy, Sales Letters, and Ad Copy To Convert Even The Most Skeptical Prospects, Without Hard Selling Or Sounding Desperate

Whether It’s Video Sales Letters, Webinars, Sales Pages, Landing Pages, Emails Or Ad Copy…

Learn The Methods To Make Prospects Convince Themselves They Need The Offer Presented To Them and Get Consistent Clients...

…Even If It Feels Like Selling The Most Boring Product or Solution

Uncover How I Accidentally Helped My Wealth Coach Make Millions Instead, Using The Craft Of Influence To Close Prospects

This proven method makes prospects drop what they’re doing and convince themselves that they need the solution…

Instead of feeling like having to shove the solution down their throats…

Wouldn’t it be great to get clients CONSTANTLY and never go hungry for leads and sales by turning prospects’ doubts into respect and making price irrelevant?

Dear Entrepreneur,

My name’s Jonathan and,

If anybody is wanting to craft a high-converting and profitable marketing copy, but don’t want to hard-sell, make fake claims or sound desperate,

Then this is the most important message to take note of.

Now, whether we’re using video sales letters, webinars, sales pages, landing pages, emails, or ad copy to sell…

The marketing copy is the central tipping point of the business and funnel.

It’s going to make or break the marketing funnel, where it can lead to achieving business and financial goals or it can kill conversions.

Being in the marketing space and crafting marketing copy for over 15 years, I’ve discovered something interesting…

Which is the real essence of how to craft high-converting marketing copy that is not derived from the typical methods.

Many years ago, I used copywriting formulas and methods that were traditional and typical, like the AIDA framework, translating features to benefits, USP, urgency & scarcity, and stack selling, just to name a few.

Some days, I could craft a high-converting marketing copy.

And on other days, I could not make the copy convert no matter how hard I tried. It felt so frustrating that I would feel like throwing my laptop against the wall.

But I became consistent when I discovered something interesting…

There is something that worked and converted even

better than these typical sales copywriting formulas!

And... it's using influence conversion triggers, which let prospects convince themselves they need the offer presented to them instead of feeling like having to shove the solution down their throats.

When I started to implement that, my results and my clients' results increased exponentially, and sales were consistent.

Interesting enough, there was one quite unexpected incident that happened to me.

On wanting to invest in myself, I paid a wealth coach to learn how to grow my wealth using real estate investments.

I found that his marketing copy did not carry the essence of what he was teaching and coaching.

So I approached him to propose improving his marketing copy and how he could get more clients since I was running a marketing agency.

When I first presented my strategy and principles to him, he didn’t quite “get” what I was trying to propose.

I could sense his doubts, and maybe he thought I was just like any other marketer.

And all he said was, ‘I like the confidence’.

So I got straight to work on his marketing copy.

And instead of using the typical sales copywriting formulas, I started to implement influence conversion triggers…

I was able to make him… millions!

I brought him such massive results that this client recognized me for my marketing copy and handed me a check for half a million.

Another one of my clients took my idea for him seriously…

And this is what he told me...

….and he decided to blow up my idea all the way and started using my idea in his coaching, consulting, and training work!

He then went ahead and made huge amounts of money which ended up with him paying me a good amount of money as well.

Then I started doing it again and again for many other clients, crafting high-converting marketing copy and making huge amounts of money for them.

Since then, I have made millions for my clients.

So what did I do differently?

How did I use influence conversion triggers instead of the typical copywriting formulas?

… And how does it work?

This is what I'm going to reveal right here.

Think about it, wouldn’t it be great to have an edge in business, especially in increasing closing and conversion rates?

And that’s why I’m excited to share all these.

More than 15 years ago, I decided to pursue the craft of copywriting in the art of direct response.

Those were the times when the legendary Gary Halbert was still alive.

And where sales copywriting is also called “salesmanship in print”.

In fact, one of the earliest sales letter I crafted was for one of my own products in the how to quit smoking niche back in 2007!

The sales letter brought in sales and made me money… but I’ve mastered a whole lot more advanced methods since then.

The problem was, that when I was starting out many years ago, I had no clue what was going on and I was trying to put all the pieces together.

Before I had it all figured out, I was struggling and had all these challenges:

  • I found myself feeling small while competing for low prices and getting squeezed by my prospects.
  • I was frustrated that my clients couldn’t see the true value of my solution and service.
  • I felt stuck because I didn’t want to oversell or make fake claims.
  • I felt angry that my competitors were successful with an inferior product and service, which I attributed it to them making bogus claims.
  • I felt inferior because I thought my solution was boring and nobody would listen to me because I didn’t have the authority, brand or certification.
  • I had to go through many failures, trials and errors before figuring out the real essence of crafting a high-converting marketing copy.

In fact, when I first started my agency, some friends thought that I wouldn’t be able to make it. I remembered a friend actually took pity on me.

He contacted me to tell me about a job offer. Maybe he was trying to be helpful, but he didn’t believe in me.

But years later, I crafted sales pages, webinars, emails, video sales letters, and stage selling copy for my clients, just to name a few.

And making millions for them.

So, with more than 15 years of experience in crafting marketing copy, I have made a very shocking observation that is affecting all businesses.

I’ve observed that the typical and usual ways of presenting a marketing copy are becoming less and less effective, and conversion rates are decreasing. (This is through my clients’ data).

As it happens, the typical ways of presenting the marketing copy are:

  • Focusing on the solution being better
  • Translating features into benefits
  • Hype and pressure
  • Emphasizing fear of missing out

In the early stages of my journey, I was still using copywriting formulas and structures blindly, but I knew something was missing.

Something didn’t quite fit because all these formulas and structures were used in different environments, like physical mail letters or magazine ads.

I asked myself, how I could obtain the real essence of behavioral psychology,

And what are the methods for getting skeptical and resistant prospects to open their minds, listen to me, and buy from me?

Eventually, I did figure it out after more than a decade of work, and reveal the solution in awhile.

As it happens, those typical copywriting methods were derived from direct response marketing and were taught and implemented back in the day because of a…

Controlled Environment

So, for example, in a direct response mailing campaign, when prospects receive a physical sales letter, there can be only two choices, make a purchase order or throw the letter away.

Even direct response ads in magazines have the same outcome, either respond to the call to action or ignore the magazine's ad.

There was no such thing as coaches, consultants, and information marketers crowding on the same platform, fighting to get attention.

And prospects could not directly compare the message and copy to competitors because of a controlled environment.

If they wanted to find competitors, they would have to physically and manually look for them.

There was also no transparency to other viewers, which means there were no haters and trolls that could affect the business.

Many digital marketers continue to rely on traditional direct response sales copywriting formulas and tactics...

But it’s very difficult to make them work in today’s digital context!

I mean, shouldn’t they work if copywriting principles are timeless?

Well, it’s yes and no. Psychology is timeless, BUT the approach is not!

But why?

That’s because of today’s

Cancel Culture and The Same Overcrowded Platform

Firstly, today’s tolerance for differences is decreasing and cancel culture is on the rise.

When we make claims, even if they are true, we will face resistance if we don’t know how to influence our prospects.

We may also end up getting negative comments, trolls, maybe even people calling us a scammer…


(even if our statements are true, and the value is real).

Secondly, there are so many coaches, consultants, and information marketers on every subject...

All on the same platform!

Prospects are getting confused by all the content noise out there.

When a person makes a claim, the first thing that may go through a prospect’s mind is "Who do they think they are?" and "Are they another scammer?"

People are more skeptical than ever.

And I started to wonder, what if there were proven methods for prospects to lower their guards, open their minds, listen to me, and believe all I had to say?

And what would it take to convert more consistently and even make the most skeptical and resistant prospects believe in my solution?

I’ll get to that in a while.

To make things worse, I’ve also uncovered something damaging about using those typical sales formulas and methods with urgency and scarcity.

That actually has a huge unseen negative effect.

That is, if we’re going to acquire a client or customer using urgency, fear of missing out, sales stacking, or hype and pressure, it is terrible for business profitability in the long term.

Why is that so?

It’s because even if we can convert our prospects, what usually happens is that most of our clients will have buyer’s remorse after their purchase.

Customers will come to realize later that they made an impulsive purchase.

This will increase refund rates and become less profitable in the long run.

So when this happens, we’re not going to be able to retain long-term clients, and our backend sales are negatively affected.

Now, when we implement the typical methods of sales copywriting, what we are essentially doing is using brute force to compare our opinions against our prospects’ opinions.

Because of that, it’s like trying to fill the prospect’s cup with beliefs… but their cup is already full.

So what if…

Instead of hard-selling, prospects could come to a conclusion and convince themselves they need the offer presented to them instead?

And what can we do to avoid using brute force?

That’s when I discovered the more effective way to convert and retain long-term profits…

and that is to use influence.

Influence is going into the prospects' worldviews, aligning with them, and making them come to their own conclusion that they need the offer presented to them.

It’s not just selling based on features and benefits,

It’s not just about the offeror solution being better than competitors, and not using the typical sales copy formula like AIDA, or any framework that resembles it.

It’s also not about using scarcity, urgency, fear of missing out or stacking to pressure prospects.

We don’t try to compare our opinions against our prospects’ opinions, and we don’t try to shove our opinions down their throats.

So how can we influence our prospects?

This is what we can do:

1. How To Get Prospects To Discard Their Own Opinions

Before presenting opinions or beliefs to them, we will first need to make prospects discard their own opinions.

If not, it's like trying to fill a cup with new water when there is already water in the cup.

So how do we do this?

We first need to…

Cause doubt in their worldviews.

Many years ago, I always believed that hard work and skills played a huge part in the success of any business.

I had this belief until a veteran entrepreneur caused doubt in my belief system.

Long story cut short, he mentioned that there is a factor to success that is probably more crucial than most.

It was timing.

He made me realize that a mediocre entrepreneur with good timing has higher chances of being successful…

Compared to a great entrepreneur with lousy timing, in which the chances of success are slimmer.

That caused doubt in my worldview and led me to discard my earlier opinions and belief system.

Now, when we are able to cause doubt in the prospects' worldviews, they will start to doubt their opinions and belief systems.

Then they will open their minds to listen the solution and offer, even if we feel like we’re not good at sales or marketing.

Also, because of that…

We won’t need an existing audience.

following or ‘brand’ for prospects

to open their minds to listen to us.

Wouldn’t it be great if prospects believe in the offer and story presented to them even though three’s no brand or an existing audience?

This is possible with the methods of influence.

2. Implement The Principle Of External Concepts

Now when we make claims, people are usually skeptical of our statements and have a lot of resistance upfront.

Here’s an example of a claim:

‘How to be the best closer in town.’


‘Learn what to say to close deals faster.

We may have seen coaches, consultants, and information marketers making those kinds of claims.

But what if there was a better way to convey our message… and lower prospects' resistance?

There is a better way…

And that is to use an external concept.

It means that instead of making claims...

We are saying that it’s because of this external concept that caused the results.

It’s positioning ourselves as just the messenger.

So the weight of believability rests on this external concept instead of our claims.

I remember I was into home workouts, and I bought the famous P90X home workout program.

They used this concept called ‘muscle confusion’.

So instead of them saying:

‘I will show anyone how to build muscles faster with this set of routines’

They are saying that…

‘The muscle confusion causes muscles to break and repair themselves faster, with less workout.’

Therefore, the great thing about using an external concept is that we don’t have to use all our energy to sound convincing.

Even if there’s no credentials or authority, we are just positioning ourselves as the messenger.

With this, prospects will be indoctrinated

without them even realizing it.

With this, we avoid people secretly judging us for our claims.

And we bypass prospect’s defense and resistance to a belief system.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could bypass prospects' resistance and get them to root for us?

3. Instill New Beliefs In Prospects

So the way to instill new beliefs…

Is to make their old belief systems their enemy.

Once they see their old belief system as their enemy, they will be open to new beliefs.

But we can’t attack their old beliefs immediately.

It’s like saying to people they’re wrong, and people hate that.

We will need to gradually let prospects see that their old beliefs are hindering them from achieving the results they want.

In the early days of digital marketing, many of my clients were reluctant to switch from traditional advertising to digital marketing.

One of the beliefs was that there were many fraudulent clicks.

I didn’t deny that and mentioned that even if it were true, it would still give them a much cheaper cost per sale.

And they would miss a huge opportunity compared to their competitors who understand this.

Suddenly, they realized their old beliefs were the enemy of their results.

So when we can instill new beliefs, prospects will feel that they have learned something from us…

And they will feel a sense of revelation.

And once they are enlightened...

…they will feel like we are a reliable source of answers.

And they will also feel they cannot learn the essence of what we’re trying to convey from other places like YouTube or Books.

Wouldn’t it be great to be THE GO-TO person for solutions?

Imagine what tremendous opportunities this could lead to.

Now… if anybody's marketing copy is not converting, it’s not anybody’s fault.

Maybe there’s too much noise or having the wrong advice and guidance for copywriting.

Or probably because the old methods are being used, such as making direct statements, old frameworks, translating features to benefits, high-pressure urgency tactics, and other sleazy approaches.

So, no matter the situation, if anybody…

  • Have never crafted a marketing copy before,
  • Feels like they’re not good at sales,
  • Thinks they’re not a creative person and always get writer’s block,
  • Feels that their copy is not converting for their webinars, videos, or sales pages...

We can always convert better using

influence conversion triggers.

Every day, competitors are entering the market, and they are working extra hard to grab prospect’s attention AWAY.

I am finding that coaches, consultants, and information marketers are equipping themselves with every marketing edge they can find to increase their conversions.

Therefore, having a great product, solution, program, or service is not enough.

We’ll need to know how to influence and break down prospects' psychological barriers with influence conversion triggers, so we can get them to buy.

Above all, make no mistake: the marketing copy will always be the central tipping point of the business, funnel, and conversions.

What I’ve revealed is barely scratching the surface of the influence conversion triggers for crafting high-converting marketing copy.

There are many advanced methods for skillfully crafting high-converting marketing copy that gets people to buy.

Wouldn’t it be great to have mastery over influence, make prospects believe in the offer presented to them, and get them to buy?

Now, if there is an interest to have mastery of this craft and skill,

I’ve got a program that may be suitable for those who want to obtain this skill.

This program is called…

‘Marketing Influence Copy Mastery - The 7 Pillars of Influence Conversion Triggers’

It’s about how to craft high-converting and profitable marketing copy, whether it's for video sales letters, sales pages, webinars, landing pages, emails, or ad copy, without hard-selling or sounding desperate.’

And... how to turn prospects' doubts into respect… and how to make them convince themselves that they need the offer presented to them.

This program is for coaches, consultants, and information marketers in the expertise business.

So if any coaches, consultants, or info marketers are wanting to get clients, whether it’s using high-ticket products, low-ticket products, ladder-based funnels, or membership sites, then this program is suitable for them.

This is a lifelong skill to always be able to write marketing copy, sales letters, and ad copy that sells and converts.

Imagine knowing the methods to always have an edge over competitors.

Here's what we are going to cover:

Firstly, there are video trainings on The 7 Pillars of Influence Conversion Triggers.

Pillar 1 - The Method To Establish Rapport and Connection Instantly

Pillar 1 Module Video Training

This module is all about building rapport and connection with prospects that makes them feel that we’re like family to them and getting them to root for us.

  • Discover the exact system to build rapport and connection instantly. Using this properly will open the pathway to get prospect to listen to us.
  • How to build a connection with prospects that makes them feel that we’re like family to them and get them to rooting for us.
  • Why trying to inspire and aspire prospects to achievements can be a HUGE mistake, and what to do instead.
  • The key to invoke liking from prospects immediately.

Pillar 2 - The Influence Framework To Obtaining High Closing and Conversion Rates

Pillar 2 Module Video Training

This module reveals the exact influence framework to convert even the most skeptical and resistant prospects, make them change their minds, convince themselves that they need the offer and solution, and get them to buy.

  • Discover the exact influence framework to convert even the most skeptical and resistant prospects.
  • The key to get prospects to discard their own opinions and change their mind to convince themselves that they need the offer presented to them
  • The most crucial aspect of crafting copy that even experienced marketers miss. (the wrong direction will totally tank conversion rates and it’s the tipping point of whether the funnel will succeed)
  • How to get prospects to drop everything and give their attention to read the ad, marketing copy and sales letters.
  • Why selling using benefits and features is totally missing the mark and what do instead (most amateur marketers use this approach which is why their sales funnels fail)
  • The skillset to always be able to create a ‘blue-ocean’ market, and make sure we’re always ahead of the competition.
  • The key factor we must have while telling our story. Without this, prospects will abandon the marketing copy at the very last minute even if the marketing copy is on the right track.
  • The factor that increases conversions that is more important than having credentials (this is especially useful if we don’t have any certification or don’t belong to any association).
  • The key to get prospects to side and follow us. (this is the same method that many used to start a cult and following).

Pillar 3 - The Right Way To Reframe Prospects' Objections And Instill Beliefs

Pillar 3 Module Video Training

This module is about how to peel off the layers of prospects’ objections using the proven objection reframing structure.

This is where we can turn around prospects’ limiting beliefs and sway them from sitting on the fence and saying yes to us.

  • The objections reframing structure we can apply to any situation to turn around prospects’ limiting beliefs.
  • How to peel off the layers to overcome prospect’s objections even if they don’t believe in themselves.
  • The attributes of objections we must address to sway prospects from sitting on the fence and saying yes to us.
  • The crucial element we must include while trying to reframe prospects’ objections. (Without this, even if they agree with us, they may not buy.)

Pillar 4 - How To Make Prospects Believe The Timing Is Right To Buy

Pillar 4 Module Video Training

In this module, we’re going to learn how to use psychology triggers to get prospects to agree that this is the right time to buy…

Rather than using sleazy methods like fake and overused scarcity and urgency.

  • How to get prospects believe this is the right time to buy other than using fake and overused scarcity and urgency.
  • The ways to activate the psychological triggers of prospect from not taking action to wanting to take action right now.
  • The dominos timing effect that will put a very clear image in the prospect’s mind to get them to take action and buy from us.
  • The key to pull prospects' heartstrings to make them say yes to the offer right now.

Pillar 5 - Proven Ways To Get Prospects To Trust Us Fast

Pillar 5 Module Video Training

These are little-known ways to get prospects to trust us FAST... and believe in us over competitors where they seemed to have the advantage…

Even if there are no solid results or testimonials to showcase.

  • What to include in the story to make prospects trust us even more (it’s not just about showing off results).
  • How to get prospects to trust us even if we don’t have any solid results or testimonials to showcase.
  • The fastest way to build trust with prospects using this method.
  • The proven type of stories that immediately boost trust.
  • How to get prospects to trust us over competitors where they seem to have the advantage.

Pillar 6 - The Technique To Craft An Irresistible Offer Prospects Cannot Ignore

Pillar 6 Module Video Training

We’re going to discover the most important way to present the offer.

The wrong positioning will set prospects towards the trajectory of resistance, and end up getting low conversion rates…

And what to know that truly makes an irresistible offer.

  • What we must know that truly makes an irresistible offer. Without this, we’re just like any competitor.
  • What we must include when presenting the offer. This makes prospects fully embrace our offer instead making them feel we’re just doing business.
  • The most crucial and important way to present the offer. The wrong positioning will set prospects towards the trajectory of resistance, and the offer will end up with low conversion rates.
  • The right type of bonuses to include with the offer (do this right, and it may double or even triple response.

Pillar 7 - How To Assure Prospects That Leads To High Closing Rates

Pillar 7 Module Video Training

Here, we’ll discover how to tilt prospects’ considerations in our favor by using the right methods of assurance.

And what to do if prospects are jaded by too many competitors’ marketing messages while assuring them that the offer presented to them is the best for them.

  • How to tilt prospects’ considerations to our favour by using the right methods of assurance.
  • One of the most important fundamental psychological needs of prospects. If we can address this, they will follow us wherever we go.
  • How to make prospect feel they are part of something bigger than themselves.
  • What to do if prospects are jaded with too many marketing messages and how to assure them our solution is the best for them.
  • The right way to implement a call to action using a specific psychology language.

Besides the 7 Pillars, there are also the High-Converting Structure Flow Templates on how to present the marketing, ad copy, and sales letters.

I) Marketing Copy Structure Flow Template: This structure flow template is for crafting video sales letters or sales pages.

II) Webinar Structure Flow Template: This structure flow template is for crafting webinars.

III) Lead Generation Page Structure Flow Template: This structure flow template is for crafting lead generation opt-in pages.

IV) Ad Copy Structure Flow Template: This structure flow template is for crafting Facebook Ads or YouTube Ads Script.

These are not the usual word-for-word templates that can only be used in certain situations.

But these templates can be used repeatedly to create high-converting marketing copy.

This program is designed with a detailed road map and structure to give anybody the shortcut and shave off many years of learning how to craft a high-converting and profitable marketing copy.

The 7 Pillars of Influence Conversion Triggers will work anywhere and in any part of the world because human psychology never changes.

Facebook Group Support

We have a Facebook support group for those who enrol in this program where members get to ask questions in the community and have others input their answers.

Think of it as a mini mastermind group where we get to learn from each other.

I will also answer questions in the Facebook group.

Nobody’s going to be left trying to figure things out on their own. (which can be extremely frustrating)

And I’ll guide and clear up any doubts or confusion on any matters that need clarity on.

There is so much value in this program that I’m confident anybody will be able to craft a high-converting marketing copy for their business.

If this program is of interest, click on the button below to enrol in this program for only a one-time investment of $77.

I’m so confident that there is so much value in this program that by the end of this program, members are able to craft high-converting marketing copy, sales letters and ad copy using the methods and concepts presented in this program. If not, we have a money-back guarantee.

90 Day Money-Back Guarantee

This program has a 90-day money-back guarantee. Test drive this program and if there is no increase in conversion rates in the copy using the methods in this program, or for whatever reason, if anybody is not satisfied and wishes to have their money back, let me know and I'll issue the refund.

I’ve set out on a mission to make an impact in the marketing and copywriting communities, and I don’t want to accept anybody's money if I can't add value.

This program is not about using the typical sales copywriting formulas and structures.

It’s not going to feature the typical headlines of "They Laughed When I Sat Down at The Piano." stuff.

It’s not about using AIDA, USP, or translating features to benefits.

This program is nothing like we have seen around.

It contains advanced methods and the most important principles of influence conversion triggers to get higher closing and conversion rates.

This is not the normal fluff that is found in books or on YouTube.

I’ve consolidated more than 15 years of experience in crafting copy into this program. I will go straight to the point without the fluff.

This program is not another "shiny object" syndrome. It will not derail anybody from the current system and the strategies being deployed.

In fact, this program brings the business model or system that anybody is using to another level....

Whether the business model or system is high-ticket, low-ticket, memberships, digital courses, services, or consultation.

And whether the business is using paid ads, organic marketing, or content marketing,

I’m truly 100% confident that if these proven principles are applied, there will be an increase in conversion and closing rates.

Wouldn’t it be great to have this high-converting skill as an edge over competitors?

Why am I doing this?

For as long as I can remember, I have been obsessed with marketing and sales.

I’ve been in sales since I was 15, selling video CDs, selling door-to-door, and being in corporate sales.

I remember enjoying every moment of it.

I genuinely find joy in impacting a business and seeing their funnel become highly profitable through marketing messages and copy.

This is more than just business for me. I believe this is my purpose.

So I’m not just here for the short-term. I’m here for the long haul to help entrepreneurs master this craft.

My mission is to bring the awareness of having a better way of converting prospects using influence conversion triggers to EVERY entrepreneur, so they have high-converting funnels.

So here are the pillars in the program again:

Pillar 1 - The Method To Establish Rapport and Connection Instantly

Pillar 2 - The Influence Framework To Obtaining High Closing and Conversion Rates

Pillar 3 - The Right Way To Reframe Prospects' Objections And Instill Beliefs

Pillar 4 - How To Make Prospects Believe The Timing Is Right To Buy

Pillar 5 - Proven Ways To Get Prospects To Trust Us Fast

Pillar 6 - The Technique To Craft An Irresistible Offer Prospects Cannot Ignore

Pillar 7 - How To Assure Prospects That Leads To High Closing Rates

That’s not all. We have some bonuses for those who enroll in this program.

Bonus 1: The Key Principles of High-Converting Facebook Ad Copy

In this module, there is a very clear guide for crafting a high-converting Facebook ad, including the context and strategy of running FB Ads for different products, segments, and market maturity.

Bonus 2: The Key Principles of High-Converting Emails

In this module, learn are high-converting email strategies to deploy based on the funnel types and the types of emails to write to give us the best ROI.

Furthermore, we have a community of like-minded entrepreneurs and marketers who join our program...

And with this community, everybody can exchange valuable ideas and methods for crafting high-converting marketing copy.

Nobody’s alone on this marketing journey.

To quote Napolean Hill:

"No man can accomplish enduring results of a far-reaching nature without the help of others."

Wouldn’t it be great if we could journey alongside a community of other entrepreneurs and marketers who understand our struggles and obstacles as well as help each other out?

AND.. Imagine having a skill that can consistently get clients and never be afraid of going hungry for leads and sales, and…

Always be ahead of competitors in attracting the right clients who need the solutions to transform their lives.

That is all highly possible by implementing The 7 Pillars of Influence Conversion Triggers.

When I reflect back, if I hadn’t equipped myself with this craft, I wouldn’t have been able to start my marketing agency

And I wouldn’t be able to help my clients attain extraordinary results.

If there’s an interest to learn more about influence conversion triggers, get instant access to the program for a one-time investment of $77 by clicking on the button below.

As a reminder, this program has a 90-day money-back guarantee. Test drive this program and if there is no increase in conversion rates in the copy using the methods in this program, or for whatever reason, if anybody is not satisfied and wishes to have their money back, let me know and I'll issue the refund.

Best regards,

* This website is not part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is not endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. Facebook™ is a trademark of Facebook, Inc.

* We use Google remarketing pixels/cookies on this site to re-communicate with people who visit our site and ensure that we are able to reach them in the future with relevant messages and information. Google shows our ads across third party sites across the internet to help communicate our message and vireach the right people who have shown interest in our information in the past.

* Disclaimer: The sales figures and results stated anywhere on this funnel are not typical and may vary for individuals depending on many factors. We are not implying you will duplicate them. Income and earnings and for references and examples as aspirations. I have the benefit of crafting copy for more than 15 years, whereas the average person who is starting out may differ in their results. All business consists risk and are dependant on consistent efforts and action for results. If you do not resonate with this, then this may not be for you.

* Second Disclaimer: The views, opinions and claims expressed in the videos on this website are intended for training purposes only. Personal experiences and results may vary. The recommendations, strategies and claims set forth in this website are not meant to represent how well you will do, or guarantee, expressly or implicitly, your success as individual results will vary. No income claims are guaranteed or implied. Your success is based on a number of factors, many of which are within your control, such as work ethic, persistence and dedication, while other factors may be outside of your control. The videos, audios and materials on this website are not intended and should not be used as legal advice, financial advice, investing advice, tax advice or accounting advice.